Tuesday, September 29, 2009

cast and crew have seen In Vivo!

last Friday night, along with the apples and honey rosh hashana brings to the table, Ruby had her sister fly in from the midwest (you remember - the one who cooked three fresh meals each day of our film shoot. yummmy), and a with a buffet full of farm fresh food and Ruby's mother-in-law's exquisite cooking we gathered in reunion to view our work...

In Vivo - Through The Looking Glass, written and directed by Ruby Faulk and starring Elisa Blynn (moi!). Artful, Impressionistic, and thoughtfully produced, each and every one of the cast and crews creative signature is visible and palpable. congratulations and gratitude to Ruby for bringing us all into this experience!

i will have dvd's of my own soon and am looking forward to sharing and viewing with industry peops and friends.


mo mO MO MO CAP!

booked some Motion Capture work agin! i love this work!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

c'mon everybody! let's do the ROM Dance!

ROM Dance aka "Range Of Motion" is the particular set of movements used to calibrate the computers to each MoCap perfomer before each set-up... and a'one and a'two and a'three...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

to MoCaP it all off...

i just booked my first MoCap job!

Motion Capture.... >sigh<

i am mADe for this kind of work.
movement muppetry profound puppetry cuteness and elasticity!

okay.... know what else is cool? its for the company that developed Rock Band. (thatsalli'msayingfornowcuzofnondisclosurejazz....)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


what's an unemployed farmer to do? work whin y' cAn and when yer not, sit back, look out and listen and teach y'seLf to play the guiTaR and sing.

here's a singular and simply Nailed Performance.


just had to recOgNiZe.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

story locked, pic locked, credits rolling, sound in final stages

aaaaannnnnd Action!

sOOn to be complete, game, set, match point. Ruby wears this lil grin that says "i have the best kept secret on the pLAnet!" she's seen it a thousand times, i haven't even seen it yet!

and i wrote the closing song of the film...!

nuthin but net. nuthin but net.

she's an Artiste tOO...

my art project is installing at Figment Art Festival June 12-14 2009

Le Pettite Orbitte

Figment Art Festival is a massive art fest on governor's island in its third year, and getting bigger and stronger every year!

go to http://figmentnyc.org/2009/

come out and play ...WHERE'S ORBITTE?
her slip (ooh lala) is SI09, on the Parade Grounds. she'll be there or elsewhere on the isle, plunk n playing with others and other objects d'arte! i will try to be modernly technical and send updates when she's on the mOOv via borrowed iPhones and blackberry's!

There will be a running slideshow of the over 800 images i have taken of her, so-far-so-good, 1st year of Life.

ferry ride a-comin! yay!

Le Pettite Orbitte was born May 28, 2008 on a lunar-Orb eclipse, having been conceived as a set piece for Nothing, a solo play in development. Somewhere in the process of making this solid object, “The Orb” became a “she”, spoken of affectionately as “Le Pettite Orbitte”. A loving, happy, playful mythology developed around her, which many continue to find themselves enjoying when encountering Orbitte.

The Orb represents origin, openness, birth, fullness, potential, completion, moon, earth, cosmos, π, sensuality, embrace, motion, softness, marshmallows, ice, playfulness, community and much more or Nothing at all!

Le Pettite Orbitte’s function in the Universe is “Plunk n Play”.

Since her theatrical debut in June 2008, LPO has been a participant, installation piece and playmate at several arts, cultural and social events. Each time, she is covered in the attendees’ drawings, signatures, and dancing footprints. Each time, I paint her back to white.

Wherever you see Le Pettite Orbitte, it’s playtime!

visit Le Pettite Orbitte on Facebook Pages for pics n vids. and fer f'ksakes,
Fan 'er!
(yes... i made this Orb!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

right left left right

sound coming in 


by a soundguy hEavY.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lock Pic n Wrap

friday. a beautiful day in brooklyn bridge park. sunset. crane shot. woah. that was picture wrap for Elisa Blynn.

went in with Pic Lock and Color done. the sound is coming...

super special screening in August 09.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

hurryUP offense

In Vivo into editting quick cuz latest news:

enter ruby faulk in blynn's house. after talking about finishing details on what we just did, she opened her notebook and said "Well i have some news. I'm writing you a feature. Wanna hear about it?" "Yes." And she read aloud the entire opening scene and my life flashed before my eyes...

the Work is On.

"T-- P------- D------"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

duN - In Vivo into post-pro

it was 40˚ and raining non-stop at 1am. jib shot. mugging scene. day 5 and another 17 hour shoot day. i've been on this incredible journey. i'm in a faux-foyer, head on my knees, wet and cold. focussed. preparing for the last shot of the picture for the week.

enter ruby faulk. director extraordinaire. she puts her hands on my back and i sit up, look into her eyes, and she kneels down. she says,

"Now, you are going to do what you were born to do..."

that about sums up this project.

with one final shot end of next week, its in the can and straight to post-pro, no delays. will be cut and editted and screened before end of summer. so there. lOOk ouT!


Monday, March 16, 2009


Shooting about to begin for film short


"In Vivo - Through the Looking Glass" is an emotional, physical and imaginative journey through the in vitro fertilization process that leaves a woman searching for answers to the most terrifying question she might ask herself: Why does she not feel her life is her own to lead?

Co-Produced by Ruby Faulk and Brandon Sumner

written and directed by Ruby Faulk (www.spooncreate.com)
director of photography Brandon Sumner (www.sumnerve.com)

Elisa Blynn

Peter Welch
Chloe Roe
Clarrissa Kim
Sam Adams
Dawn Bennet
Adam Hocherman
Paden Fallis
Jimmy Helms

completely shot in the "HOLE"

i just completed shooting a film short entitled


written by Kevin Lawler
directed by Erik Slavin (www.zoominfo.com/people/Slavin_Erik_227606216.aspx)
directory of photography Milton Kam (www.miltonkam.com)

Anna Pond (www.chekhovtheatre.com/about/members/annapond.html)
Elisa Blynn (this blogspot, youtube.com/user/elisablynn, myspace.com/acutecase)
John O'Connor (www.johnoconnor.us)
Dan Zen

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



okay okay okay okay-

The room that i have found as my initiating stomping ground is Penny's Open Mic in the East Village's Under St. Marks Theater on Tuesday eves. i've done my third appearance there and its a good starting fit. The particular flavor of this room includes musicians and acts, yet predominantly carries a extemporaneous, clever, grounded and celebrational vibe.

mee likey. mee flourish creatively. yah goot! things will come of this and shall be posted accordingly. yewsyews.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

nOw appearing rearing n clearing!

open mic. now i've gone and done it! and it keeps happening.

tuesdays. under st. marks theater. getting outta the way. gettin it out that way. getting out the Way.

new adventure for me as a performer and really digging it! third venue's a charm.

looking for the right room. y'know how it is. the rooms. save lives. sacred. hello my name is...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

This Just In

Original monologue performed LiVe at the Bowery Poetry Club.

Si Tu Me Olvidas

Pablo Neruda performed in spanish!